Thursday, March 14, 2013

The View from Here...

I must admit that I've been missing the commitment of my photo a day project.  It's fun to click on "last 12 months" in iphoto and see what we were up to on this day last year....hmmm, I may need to start that back up...  
Here's what has been happening in the ordinary days around here lately... 
  • One of the perks of having guests in from out-of-town.... taking them to a kitschy fondue restaurant and  indulging in all that cheese and chocolate goodness (I mean it's a Swiss "must" right?).... by the way, you can see that I ordered these wacky frames;
  • I can't stop thinking about lunch in this beautiful dining room at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris.... you really must put it on your "to-do" list if you are planning to visit;
  • Marlowe got her first ride down a water slide this past weekend at an indoor water park;
  • I'm loving feminine details on blouses this season;
  • You never know what the boulangerie will bake up next.... the perfect Easter-time after-school snack;
  • It's official.... my baby is becoming a young woman... got her braces on last week;
  • oh, the mosaic project.... my matryoshka doll may get finished by the time I move back. :)
I wish I could take a photo of my face during my French lesson....  I'm sure it is a mix of terror, confusion and exhilaration (oh yeah, and joy) as my teacher quizzes me on how to order fromage (cheese), legumes (vegetables), and viande (meat) at the farmer's market.... all the while I'm thinking to myself, can't I just point to what I want?  :)  baby steps...

Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Crissy! I had to laugh with your comment regarding the French lesson.. I know how you feel! Congrats to your daughter on getting her braces off:) That's a huge mile stone.



Thanks for sharing!