Friday, March 22, 2013

Postcards from.....

Well, this really doesn't count as a road trip (it's only about 20 minutes from our house) but it does qualify as a major event in our book..... the annual Chocolate Festival held in the village of Versoix, Switzerland last Saturday.   We literally felt as if we had stepped inside Willy Wonka's factory upon being greeted by the intoxicating scent of chocolate and then being asked to sample chocolates from some of the finest chocolate makers in the world.... a treat for little and big kids alike.  I think I scored some major "mommy" points for this one..... do you see these kids' faces?! :)

It really is hard to describe the role chocolate plays in the culture here.  I have literally been gobsmacked (a fun new word I've learned from my British friends meaning "utterly astounded") at the number of chocolate bunnies on shelf for Easter (never-minding the existence of an entire grocery store aisle devoted to chocolate year around).  I'll take a few photos to show you next week.

In the meantime, happy Friday everyone!


  1. My kids would DIE!!!!! What a fun event!!!

  2. That's so awesome! Carter would be in heaven. He loves chocolate and would eat any kind he could get his hands on. You girls look so happy and my how they are growing. Beautiful!

  3. The youngest girl in this household would be flying high! And this momma would enjoy the ride too! We've officially been gobsmacked by your pics!

  4. Mmm... Yes, you surely scored major points on this one. Delish!

  5. It is worth every single calorie! Not to mention those happy faces! :) Thanks for sharing! Xo,

  6. Chocolate festival might be the 2 greatest words in the English language. I was just telling my mom I had to get good chocolate for Easter as my kids have a very discerning chocolate palate. It's my own fault, Glenn & I love good chocolate. My kids are used to See's candy for Pete's sake. So spoiled :)

  7. the ultimate chocolate festival!!!!


Thanks for sharing!