Monday, January 07, 2013

2013 is the year for.....

Well, here we are a week into the new year and although I've just been diagnosed with pneumonia and I'm hyped up on medicines..... life moves on.

If 2012 was about embracing a spirit of adventure for our move abroad, 2013 is going to be about learning to enjoy the ride.  "Joy" or the pursuit of joy has been a recurring theme in my life of late and I intend to "take the hint".  After all, isn't that the end goal of any New Year's resolution?.... to experience  a sense of well-being and peace regardless of our circumstances (it's certainly a stretch for me right now... but what the heck.... worthy resolutions are never easy).  I'm going to expect it, choose it and do my "darndest" to live it each day with the good Lord's help.

Here are a few other aspirations I have as well......

Going back to school. - One of my highest values as a mother is instilling a love of learning in my children.  Unfortunately, I've let life's busyness get in the way of my modeling this in a meaningful way for my girls.  So, I'll be diving in to French lessons and picking up more books.

Discovering my inner athlete. - This is the year to kick that decades old smirk and lie I've been telling myself; "You may be a lot of things; but you are not athletic!"; to the curb.  You'll find me taking tennis lessons this year so that I can play with my daughter and exploring Switzerland on the hiking trails.  Some snowshoeing is surely in order as well.

Learning to linger. - My type-A, obsessive, slightly controlling personality (ok, so owning it is half the battle).... tends to always have me thinking about what I need to do next instead of enjoying what is right in front of me.  Last year's resolution went a long way in helping me to "stop and smell the roses" but I still have a way to go.  This really hit home a month or so ago when I was talking with a French friend and bemoaning the fact that I can't get a to-go cup of coffee anywhere.  She politely informed me that the French actually consider it "uncouth" to walk while drinking or eating (smoking too.... go figure); and that you should be able to sit down long enough to enjoy your food (perhaps that is why there is only one drive-thru that I know of in Geneva as well).  So.... I'm going to start this resolution by carrying over our Christmas tradition of eating by candlelight (yes, this surprisingly does seem to slow things down); followed by the reading of a daily devotion by one of the girls..... baby steps.

And lastly, taking another cue from the Europeans...

Becoming a doting wife.  Of all of the cultural differences I've noticed over the last six months of living in Switzerland; probably the one that has hit me the hardest is my observation of the interaction between couples here.  A day does not go by where I do not see many couples of all ages together..... walking hand in hand past my front door; sitting in cafes completely engaged in conversation; well dressed (in the sense that they are certainly making an effort to look good for one another); and seemingly enjoying one another's company....... nary an electronic device in sight!  Now, I have absolutely no data to support whether this makes a significant impact on divorce rates or marital happiness but I'd have to at least give them an "A" for effort and I have to think this concentrated undivided attention would raise the joy quotient in any relationship.  So.... I'm going to make it a priority.... I don't think my guy will mind. :)

How are your resolutions going thus far?

P.S.  Remember this post?  I'll be adding engraved charms with the words "adventure" for 2012 and "joie de vivre" for 2013 to serve as a reminder and be passed on to Marlowe..... still my favorite piece of jewelry.


  1. Thank you for sharing! This is by far the best list I've read so far. Also being a Type A, I need to slow down and "linger" myself. All of these hit home for me! Again, thank you and many blessings to you as you begin your journey this year! (Hope you feel better soon)

  2. a lovely post Crissy! I have missed you and am looking forward to following your year. I hope it is a great one for you and your family.
    xo Nancy

  3. Oh goodness, I need to learn to linger! The Europeans would be appalled at me eating my breakfast and lunch standing at the kitchen island! Great list, Crissy!

  4. Great list and I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Love them all! Also, I will get the benefit as all these come true in the new year. Nike says...everyone is an athlete. I am by your side to help, support, encourage....whatever you need.

  6. Would love to join you for tennis lessons and snowshoeing! I have a dusty old racket somewhere in the attic!

    1. Sounds perfect and sure to entail some good laughs!

  7. Hope you feel better soon. Love your list - sounds like a good 2013 coming for you.

  8. i adore this post bc you've said a lot of things i've been thinking sans the couple observation in switzerland :)

  9. Crissy, your list is the most authentic I've read. You've given your personal touch to your ambitions. How grand that you are going to do these for yourself, your children and your husband. What a role model!


Thanks for sharing!