Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Project: Moss Covered Wreath

Desperate times call for desperate measures........... which means that I finally had to give up on my quest to find a reasonably priced boxwood wreath for my front door and break down and make something.   Yes, crafting...... which I so admire in others but just doesn't seem to always turn out that great for me.  Nonetheless, motivated by wanting to achieve a certain look and being unwilling to settle for anything less...... I found myself at Michaels buying materials and borrowing my friend's glue gun (yes, I don't even own a glue gun.....).  Here's the look I was going for:

Now, I understand that fresh boxwood wreaths are generally intended for indoor use and that placing one outside in the rather windy locale of my front door was probably not the wisest use of hard-earned effort and money..... so I decided to go with moss instead.  I purchased a foam wreath to use as the base and a moss table runner (yes, who knew?)

I didn't save my receipt but I know I spent less than $25 and that's without the 40% coupon which ofcourse I didn't happen to have when I actually NEEDED something at Michaels.

I proceeded to cut the runner in 2 inch wide strips and glue it around the wreath.  Luckily, moss is very forgiving and easy to work with once you get passed the stinky smell.  It looked like this.

Once I had worked my way around the wreath; I went back thru and filled in spots using small cut pieces.  The runner was almost exactly the right amount of moss needed.  This is what I had left:

Now, I'm sure I should have sprayed it with something or put some sort of backing on; but I didn't.  I just promptly dug through my wrapping paper and bow box to find a length of ribbon so that I could have immediate gratification and here's what I got.

not quite the same..... but lovely enough in my book.  Even my girls got in on the action telling me how much they loved it and how great it looked (see..... that's how little I craft).

(Marlowe had just watered the boxwoods for me)

..... and my husband came home during all this to remind me "you know we are moving in two months". 
 Yep.  That's exactly why I had to do it now.

..... and there you have it.


  1. looks beautiful, love your door! Great use of the moss....rather than using it as intended. A moss runner...hilarious

  2. It turned out great and I dont blame you for still making this home, home. :)

  3. Love it! Crafty when it's needed! You rock...

  4. it looks great!! love your front door, btw...

  5. Look at you and your beautiful, inspiring, crafty diy!!! Very impressed, I think I need one! :)

  6. That is the sweetest picture of the kids (and front entry too!). I'm SO impressed with your wreath. The boxwood is very pricey..


  7. I think I'll start calling you Martha! I love it and the ribbon is perfect. If it needs a good home while you're abroad, you know I'll take care of it!

  8. ooh i so need to do this project!! i love a little green on my front door to greet people when they come to my house


Thanks for sharing!