Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A little refresher course...

…this morning on the "Secrets to Southern Charm" by the Southern Living folks…. 

…. thinking it might be fun to start compiling my own list of motherly wisdom/tips/anecdotes and make a book for my girls here….

It would probably start a little something like this:

Momma's Mantra
No. 1
Keep it classy. 

Classy (adj.):  Having qualities that make someone special or attractive
: showing impressive character; good, kind...

Momma's Charm Tip
No. 2
When visiting someone's home; do NOT scatter yourself among the arms and backs of furniture.
(see yesterday's post)

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! Add some family recipes also. You never know, they could be passed down or copied for generations!


Thanks for sharing!